30 Days in the word mines: Day 1

Trust Me.
Prompt taken from Chuck Wendig’s 30 Days In The Word Mines:

…Okay. Yes… That’s good. Thanks!

That’s it, then? That’s really your prompt, Chuck? Because it kind of sucks. It’s more like an affirmation if anything. Not a very specific one at that.

But -hey, we all know that I need that punch in the arm kinda thing. Shit, it’s a helluva lot better than what I get from my cat and my five year old (thankless little assholes, both) so:

Fuck yes, I can do this! I mean, look who you are talking to: A-Fucking-Greenwood, that’s who! *cracks knuckles*


Well. That was quite the workout. Whew! Good game, guys. Good game. High-fives all around. Time to hit the showers.

So how’d we do coach? What’s that? 128 words on a day where I thought I was going to do none. HAH! SUCK IT TREBEK!

You know what, though? I think its a trap. I’m just gonna yammer on a bit because I wasn’t given specific instructions and then somewhere there will the be instructions that I missed and this stream of consciousness shit is going to look pretty asinine.

Ha! Like I even have to try at being asinine. Man, I put the ASS in asinine!

I know there’s not an ‘ass’ in asinine. I know- Shhhhh.
Just hushhhhhhhh.

[Edit: NEWSFLASH-TO-ME: 30 Days In The Word Mines is not 30 writing prompts. Turns out DAY 1 was exactly as it seems: an affirmation.  I bitched out Chuck Wendig for believing in me. And my trend for idiocy continues! Nyahaha…heh…*sigh*

I will continue to enjoy 30 Days In The Word Mines and perhaps share my thoughts about it as I go but I will also find a word-prompt thingy and set forth with writing a thing a day (as I had originally intended) ]