Illustration Friday: Green Stone Skull... thing


The theme in today's Illustration Friday newsletter was "skull"  I was restless and moody so I said. "Okay."

In the process of painting this I broke Sketchbook Pro so I am just leaving it as is. And, yes, I posted it sideways because that is how I drew it. Not sure why I would draw something sideways. I suppose it might have to do with that mood.


WIP -ducati w/ red frame

WIP -ducati w/ red frame

So it's time I got back to work on this piece. I ran into a stumbling block and then all this LIFE happened (including my first gallery show that I maybe should have blogged about here being that it's, like, my blog and all. Hahaha! -what an idiot!) and time passed and I was like all 'Wha?' like I'm waking up from a deep slumber and shit. And now that I'm getting back on track and dusting off everything like my deviantArt account, and my cintiq and, yeah, this blog, that thing that had me stuck on this piece sort of evaporated so now I'm gonna finish it. It'll probably still take a while but, anyway, go me.

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I know I've been quiet over here but creatively things are just starting to get back on track. I'm working on at least four projects concurrently --as I wrangle the time away from my mom gig. Hopefully in about four months I'll have a body of work to show for all this stealing time. Here's a peek at one of the paintings I've got percolating.  The almighty dollar is harder to render than I thought.

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