I would rather be beautiful.

One of those vintage postcard memes came across my FB feed today: "Women: Wearing heels is not sexy if you walk like a newborn calf"

My first thoughts: Ouch. Who has been watching me try on heels? Are there hidden cameras in my room that I need to search out? Yeesh.

But not long after allowing myself a little self deprecation this is what it sounded like in my head:

Wait. No. Wait just one fucking minute. This, my friends, is what's wrong with us and how we are projecting what is acceptable and what is not as far as our collective self image. While it's true that someone who is having trouble walking isn't the epitome of sexiness, the sentiment of the card by its words and attitude is judgmental, arrogant and shallow. My first guess is that it was thrown together by a man but I wouldn't be surprised if it wasn't.  This kind of shit is especially infuriating when it's women tearing other women down. All for what? Appearances? Fashion? It falls right in line with what The Money says we should look, act and dress like.

Let me be clear: There is nothing wrong with wearing heels. My sisters, rock those babies like the star you are. But here's the thing: do not look down on those of us who don't quite pull off what is fashionable. We will make our own way with our without your approval and certainly in spite of your derision.  The reason we wear heels may or may not be the same but when you belittle me for falling short of your perceptions of what is sexy who is the ugly one here?

Sexiness comes from confidence and trust me, when I buckle on my Icon field armor boots I am one unstoppable, sexy bitch. And that, my friends, is a beautiful thing.